Sunday, May 26, 2013

Days 10-18: Struggling

Well, we moved. I ended my Whole 30. I had 5 days of horrible glutenous binges. I tried to get back on track. TRIED. I did great on my second Whole 30 for about 4 days, and then stress happened, so I drank a Diet Dr. Pepper and had peanut butter cups, and ice cream and pizza. Then, the next day I ate doughnuts, and other stuff I shouldn't have. My exercising has been terrible this week too. On Monday, I tried to run and because of the poor input of nutrition, I had bad output. Tuesday got better, I ran for 25 minutes without stopping, which was a huge difference from the day before. Wednesday I biked for a half an hour, that's all I had time for and Friday I walked a couple of miles to the store and back. Thursday and Saturday I didn't do any training and today is to be my rest day. All I know is that this next week needs to change or else 9 weeks from now I'll be a BIG mess. I'm in some kind of mind funk and that I need to get out of because I have a lot of work to do on my training, like being able to swim the whole 400 m without stopping and being comfortable on my bike with my clips. Wish me luck!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 9: End of 30

Today's the last day of round one of Whole 30. I've gone down a whole pant size and have officially lost 20 pounds in the last 30 days.

I feel great! Tomorrow my plan is to eat what I want, then start again by this weekend. It'll be rough, but can't wait to see what the next 30 looks like. I have really enjoyed eating this way and the way that I feel. Plus, all of my PCOS symptoms have pretty much disappeared. BONUS!

Day 8: Another Milestone

The workout for today was to be another run for 20-30 minutes. I thought today I'd push it a little farther than what I've been doing. What's another 5 minutes, right? Well, it was felt, but I did it. Those last 5 minutes got me to the full 30 minute run. 30 MINUTES. Wow. I cannot believe it. I did 30 minutes of jogging without stopping, without music, without anything. I have realized when I'm running, I get inside my thoughts and lose about 3 minutes at a time, which is perfect and makes the time go quickly. I am really starting to enjoy this process. The run felt great and I feel like my 5k on June 15th will bring about a full run, which will be a first for me. I'm over halfway there already, so what's another 20 minutes, right? Tomorrow we start moving into the new house! Things are about to get hectic and crazy, lets hope I keep it all going.

Day 7: Rest & Recall

I spent most of the day reflecting on the week and my journey in the last year. It's amazing to me that a year ago I could barely finish a 5k just mostly walking it and now I'm able to jog for 25 minutes straight. My jog is a slow one, but it's my new fast. I love that I can move like I do for as long as I can. I like how I feel eating the way I do. I'm grateful for the Lord giving me the willpower and strength to continue this journey and pray that He continues to do so. It's getting easier to do the things that I'm doing and to make the right choices. My family means so much to me and I want to be around for them and be able to do things with them and have fun and not worry about how I feel and look. The boys are starting to get used to it all and Rhys loves going to the Y with me. This next week we'll be moving into our new house, the schedule will probably be off and my eating probably will be too since my last day is Tuesday on this first 30 days. I plan to eat what I want on Wednesday, so we'll see how that goes. My body didn't like the bread last night and so I might be too sick to even try anything else.

Days 5-6

These two were harder days. Day 5 was mostly uneventful with the workout and training, Day 6 however, I was tired. Very tired. I could tell that it was getting into the 6th straight day of working out and my body was feeling it. My swim called for 50-100 more yards than I had been doing all week. I barely got an extra 50 in before I was done. I biked afterward for only 30 minutes and was done. I struggled all day Saturday to keep my energy going and was shaky all day. I'm unsure of what caused it, but I didn't feel that great. I have been doing the Whole30 program, nothing processed, but worried that I needed a better carbohydrate at 11 p.m. at night, so I ate a hotdog with a bun. I have to say, I don't like bread anymore. It does nothing for me. This is the best part of the Whole30. I have found new foods I crave (sweet potatoes, sauteed with onions in coconut oil) and ones I don't like or crave anymore (chocolate, soda, sweets, etc.). My 30 days are up in a couple of days, I am very excited to share the results.

Day 4: Get Run Over

My run for this day was another 20-30 minutes. I decided to run up to the track again and see where it got me. When I got up there, there was a man running already and he was fast and big. Not heavy big, but like 6'5, stocky, and able to run through a person. I was a little intimidated, but I got on the track and started to move. This guy was moving at quite a pace. I was nervous. The track ramps up the sides on the curves and so I thought I'd try and move out of his way and realized that my run was going to be a long one if I stopped and did that every time I heard (and felt) him coming. I thought to myself, "You know Kim, you're running, just slower, so keep going and let the man with the longer stride go up the ramp." So I did. Once I got through that, I mentally decided that I was going to run longer than the day before. I had done part of the C25K the day before, but felt as if I could run a lot longer than I had. So I did. 25 minutes without stopping. It felt wonderful.

I have to remind you too, that this was AFTER a swim as well, which was a great swim too. Not as good as my first one, but I finished and felt good. I was quite tired after all of that running and swimming, but it was a good tired. I can feel myself getting stronger.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 3: Single Run

Today's workout was much simpler as far as things to do go, just run. That's it for 20-30 minutes. I had downloaded on my kindle a while back an app that helps newbie runners learn the ropes of running by pacing it for you. It's called C25K and I usually opt for the free apps. This one seemed promising, so I asked Jared to download the app to his ipod for me to use the next day. I set out with my jam packed gym bag, the thing was seriously close to 50 pounds, which got me thinking about the fact that I used to carry around that much extra weight and how I'll never do it again, and Rhys in the other hand. He went his way, I went mine, up to the top (third floor) indoor track. Last time I had been up there, it was when I first started this journey and was with Andy. I was terrified of the heights of it, the way it looked, the fact that it was suspended in air pretty much. I was a little nervous going into it.

Once I found my way through the multiple mazes of stairs in that building, I got open the app and took off. I realized partway through my warmup laps that I wanted to do a higher setting, so I went to week two of the program and took off. I was supposed to run a minute thirty then walk two and so on until it reached the time marked on the workout, which I believe was around 30 minutes. After getting to about the 3/4 mark of the workout, I was tired but feeling well, so I thought that I'd up it a bit and actually continue to run when it said to walk. I am super proud of myself for doing this as much as I did. I am pretty sure I ended up running at least another 5 minutes or so by skipping some of those cycles.

It's interesting that while I was running, I thought back to this time last year. I was getting ready to "run" the White River Run in Anderson and my Mom had been talked into it. I had no idea what to expect. I was so much bigger and felt so much slower than my Mom, so I didn't know how I'd react to her starting to edge me out or whatever throughout the race. As we started, it was definitely harder than expected, but the funny thing was that when my Mom would get so far ahead, she always looked back and checked on me. About halfway, she came back and walked with me. We even managed to jog a little.

I see this transition from last year to this year and I am grateful for the year that I've had in this journey. Here's hoping to a good rest of my training.